Brand Design          Social Design          About me


Brand Building Section, NY Headquaters
Junior Brand Designer 2021-2023

World Children’s Day 

Rebranding - 2021

The brief
How can we refresh the master visual of WCD to be more appealing to younger audience? Yet associate wiith unicef main brand.
The idea
The identity couldn’t afford to just look like an every-day artwork from UNICEF. It had to excite and connect with children. The idea was to refresh, for the design to reflect the spirit of WCD and to look less stiff, while keep the spirit of the original identity alive.
The solution
The more transparent approach to the circular frame represent the dynamic and free spirit of children. Introducing the design elements, like handwritten typeface to add the sense of belonging and speak directly with our target audiences and donors.

Visit UNICEF’s World Children’s Day

Photo credit: Cameroon 2022. © UNICEF/UN0732015/Dejongh. The activity at the Etoug-Ebe Disability Center will send a powerful and positive message on non-discrimination and inclusion for every child. For every child a voice!

UNICEF 75th Anniversary


Skills4Girls Partner Toolkit

︎︎︎ UNICEF as a partner of choice seeking to transform the lives of adolescent girls through skills building


2023 & 2024




Parenting Month

Illustration and Social Media Card for Parenting Month 2023

View more at @unicef Instagram

World Children’s Day

The theme of the 2023 World Children’s Day Master Visual embraces the powe of illustrations — a universal language that resonates with everyone.
View more at @unicef Instagram
Say hello!

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© Adipa Klomchitcharoen 2023